The Whole30 diet - Not your typical diet!

What’s the Whole30 diet?
The name of this diet speaks for itself you have to follow a strict diet plan for 30 days only. The main point is eating clean, and exclude certain products which you are so used to. It's very easy and complicated at the same time as you have to stop consuming sugar, dairy, grains, legumes and alcohol.
No more occasional drinks with friends just because your day was crappy, no more deserts as a bonus after complicated or not complicated tasks, and no-no-no French fries are not considered to be veggies. Say yes to vegetables and clean proteins. Let's kill your harmful habits.
Why 30 Days?
As usually, it takes 66 days for a habit to stick, so why not to Whole66, the reply is super easy 30 days do not scare you as much as a period of time and as well do bring the wanted effect.
What You Can Eat
• Meat.
• Poultry.
• Fish. Any types of fish products are allowed, even the ones from the cans.
• Veggies. Eat as much as you can!
• Fruits. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Plus they help you to control your wishes to eat chocolate and ice cream.
• Fats. Avocados are a daily must.
• Black coffee
What You Absolutely Can’t Eat
• No alcohol. So plan your evenings sober-way.
• No sugar or any sweeteners. Nope, not even a drop in your morning black coffee.
• No beans or legumes. Not even peanut butter
• No processed additives. MSG, sulfites, carrageenan.
• No grains.
• No dairy. Mascarpone is cheese, cheese is dairy, so NO!.
• No soy. Bye-bye tofu.
Good news it's only for 30 days!
The Benefits That Make It Worth It.
No one is going to promise that you will experience every single point from the following list, but if you never try you will never know.
• Weight loss. The main reason for which people start following diets.
• Health conditions may become better.
• No more digestive problems. No more troubles in the toilet!
• Skin is cleaner. Say no to pimples!
• High energy levels.
• Totally new tastes are awaiting for you.
• More essential workouts. Running 4 miles per day will become super easy.
• Better sleep. Morning runs - check.
• Discover what products influence the worst on you. For every person it is different, you add one group of product on day 31 and you will see how you feel, for some it will be dairy. for some just bread.
Follow the Rules
• Main rule: no breakdowns or cheating. The most important thing in this diet is sticking to the food plan for a certain amount of time, no breakdowns at all, in order to put your body under somewhat of "stress" from not so healthy food to a totally healthy. If you cheat once even a small chocolate or a glass of beer, sorry, but you need to start all over again. You need to experience the fullest range of benefits for the entire 30 days.
• Find a partner in crime or in our case in a little suffer.
Everyone needs support and help now and then, it's way easier not to cheat if you know that your friend or even friends are going through the same process. You can easily call or text that you are on edge of giving up, and you will get words of support from a close person. You can share your food menus for the day. Be strong, be supportive of each other and you will enjoy the results in just 30 days.
• No fake treats.
If you crave something sweet and you find some healthy recipe from the food which on allowed list that doesn't mean that is a great idea. Your brain wants sugar, not some certain food, and the whole point is to exclude what your body craves so much. You must change the habit for these 30 days!
• Demolish all the temptations from your house.
Everything on the "not allowed" list must go! Pack it up and give to your neighbor, or even better to someone less fortunate than you are, they are plenty of people in need.
• Celebrate with something you like from the allowed list.
It can be a pretty apple, or some raspberries which you love so much, or just a cup of black coffee with a drop of nondairy, unsweetened carrageenan-free milk.
• Plan and prepare.
This is the most important advice in order to follow this diet. Before starting you need the first week of your meals to be carefully planned: create a menu, write a shopping list for the grocery store, and you are all set.
• Don’t make it complicated.
You are going to find a numerous list of new fancy recipes. If you are not a big fan of cooking start easy and simple. Just make an easy breakfast with eggs, tomatoes and bacon. It will take you 5 minutes top to cook your breakfast every morning. You can cook one and the same breakfast a few days in a row is not a problem, cook similar meals in order not to have some extra complications. Having strict food rules is stressful enough.
• Always cook more.
It's way easier to know that you cooked for at least two meals. While cooking dinner, make extra in order to have lunch for tomorrow ready to go. It saves both time and energy. And makes this diet way easier.
The Struggle Is Real, but Worth It
It goes without saying that struggle does take place. But nothing comes easy, struggles makes the process even more rewarding. To change your habit even only for 30 days is a hard job, the most complicated of all is to change your attitude towards certain foods.
And remember even a small step is a step to new healthy you! Good luck!